The top sights in Italy

The best of the best: Top 10 lists of sights, museums, cathedrals, and experiences you can't miss in Rome, Florence, and Venice

We all want to to try and see everything, and we all want to be good and get off the beaten path to discover little-known and unheralded sights, but when push comes to shove there simply isn't enough time to do it all—and there most definitely are some unmissable sights

St. Peter's and the Vatican and the Colosseum in Rome, the David and Uffizi Galleries in Florence, the Grand Canal and St. Mark's in Venice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

These are the Big Guns of Italian sightseeing, the must-see museums, churches, and ancient sites that no one wants to leave Italy without experiencing.

To that end here are some lists of the top famous sights and experiences in Italy, starting with the top 20 sight in all of Italy, then separate lists for the top sights in each of Italy's three major tourist cities:

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