If you had a year in Florence, you could do it all. Chances are, you only have a few days. (If you do, I also put together some perfect Florence itineraries to help you tackle the Cradle of the Renaissance even if all you have is 1 day, 2 days, or 3 days.)
The lists below will help you prioritize which are the best of the best—and which are the rest, the things to do only if you have the time or inclination. (For greater detail on each, click the "More" link to see the fully-fleshed out lists.)
These lists run from the expected—top 10 sights, top 10 hotels, top 10 museums—to the more esoteric—top 10 experiences, top 10 masterpieces, Top 10 Florentines you need to know.
Then there's Reid's List, a collection of all the sights and experiences I happen to love in Florence that don't make the cut for "top 10" but do help make a Florence visit unique and special.
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tel. +39-055-290-832
Planning your day: Florence would well be worth a week, but you can still fit a lot into just a day or three.
To help you get the most out of your limited time in the Cradle of the Renaissance, here are some perfect itineraries, whether you have one, two, or three days to spend in Florence.
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