Duomo ★★★

The cathedral of Siena is packed with Gothic carvings, Renaissance frescoes, and baroque floor panels

Cattedrale di Siena
The Cattedrale di Siena. (Photo by Sailko)

Biblioteca Piccolimini Cattedrale di Siena
The Piccolomini Library, Siena Duomo. (Photo by Velvet)
The bulky, zebra-striped Gothic Duomo (or Cattedrale) is famous for the stunning patchwork of inlaid and etched marble panels carpeting the floor—which, sadly, are only uncovered from August 21 to October 21 (though a few panels are always left visible).

My favorite bit is just off the left aisle: the ★★ Libreria Piccolomini, lushly frescoed by Pinturicchio and his young assistant Raphael.

The Pisano Pulpit, Duomo di Siena
The Pisano Pulpit. (Photo by Joanbanjo)
At the Duomo's main crossing are a chapel decorated by baroque master Bernini and a densely-carved pulpit by Gothic geniuses Nicola and Giovanni Pisano.


How long does the Duomo take?
Get the combo pass
When is the pavement uncovered?
Mass at the Duomo

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Recommended hotels in Siena

★★★ Residenza d'Epoca Palazzo Fani Mignanelli [€€€]
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★★ Hotel Duomo [€€–€€€]
★★ B&B Il Corso [€€€]
★★ Piccolo Hotel Etruria [€€–€€€]
Hotel Antica Torre [€€€]
Hotel Chiusarelli [€-€€]

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★★★ Duomo di Siena (Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta)
Piazza del Duomo
tel. +39-0577-283-048 or +39-0577-286-300

Mar 1–Nov 2 Mon-Sat 10:30am–7pm, Sun 1:30pm–6pm
Nov 3–Feb 28 Mon-Sat 10:30am–5:30pm (to 7pm Dec 26–Jan 6), Sun 1:30–5:30pm
Pavement uncovered: Aug 21–Oct 21

Cathedral: Free; Piccolomini Library: Adm
Combo Pass: Covers entire Duomo group for half-price. » book

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