Enna dining

Where to eat in Enna, Sicily

One of Enna's best restaurants is the very friendly Ristorante La Fontana, Via Volturno 6 (tel. +39-0935-25-465), with atrocious wall art and a delectable antipasti table; order the homemade cavatelli pasta. It's open daily, but may close Fridays in the off-season.

If you just want a good pizza in a relaxed atmosphere where the pizza guy likes to ham it up and the locals crowd in until late, head to Ristorante Pizzeria Tiffany, Via Roma 467 (tel. +39-0935-501-368). It's closed Thursdays.

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Tourist info Enna:
Via Roma 411
tel. +39-0935-528-288

Hotels in Enna
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Tourist info Enna:
Via Roma 411
tel. +39-0935-528-288

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