Arriving in Positano

How to get to Positano on the Amalfi Coast of Italy

Positano is along the Amalfi Drive, 18km (11 miles; 35–45 min) south over the peninsula from Sorrento, and 19km (12 miles; 45–60 min) west of Amalfi.

Postiano has two bus stops

Note that, when arriving by the popular Amalfi Coast bus, Postiano has two bus stops, both right along the Amalfi Coast road:

  • Chiesa Nuova is on the west side of town, by the Bar Internazionale at Viale Pasitea. it is the first stop you come to when riding the bus from Sorrento, and is where you want to get off if you are staying near the upper west end of town (like at the Hotel Casa Albertina) or a hotel in the quiet Fornillo neighborhood—to which there is a Positano minibus from the same stop (ask "per Fornillo?" as you board to make sure it's the right bus—and to signal the driver that you're a tourist and he'll need to tell you when to get off).
  • Sponda —the second Positano stop coming from Sorrento—lies at the eastern edge of town, where Via Cristoforo Colombo meets the Amalfi Coast road, and is where to alight for central Positano hotels.

Tips & links


Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo Comune di Positano
Via Regina Giovanna 13, Positano
tel. +39-089-875-067

How long does Positano take?

Planning your day:There's nothing to see in Positano other than its pretty ol' self, and nothing to do but hang out and just "be" in Positano, hoping to catch sight of a celebrity.

In other words, unless you're staying the night here, you needn't really get off the bus—though you could hop off, stroll around to snap a few photographs, and catch the next bus that comes along an hour or two later.

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Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo Comune di Positano
Via Regina Giovanna 13, Positano
tel. +39-089-875-067

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