Lace in Venice ★★

Lace being made on the island of Burano in Venice
Hand-tatted lace in Venice. (Photo by Avital Pinnick)

Shopping for Venetian lace

A lace shop in Venice
A lace shop in Venice. (Photo by Rach)
Lace has long bene a specialty of the Venetian island of Burano, and that is where you'll find the best deals (and the most authenic product; some shameless shops in downtown Venice sell imported, factory-made lace), especially from the Lace Museum.

If you don't want to take the to go all the way out to Burano (though it is very much worth it, and the island's Kodachrome colored fishing houses are a photographer's dream), the downtown Venice lace dealer of choice for lace and linens is Jesurum, on Calle Larga XXII Marzo, a few blocks west of Piazza San Marco just over the bridge on the right (

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