Renting a bike in Florence

Where to get a rental bike in Florence

Useful Italian
bike - bicicletta or bici
bike rental - noleggio bici
two hours - due ore
one day - un giorno
helmet - casco
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Despite the relatively traffic-free historic center, biking has not really caught on in Florence, but local authorities are trying to change that with cheap rental bikes (tel. +39-346-883-7821,

Rates are a mere €2 per hour, €5 for five hours, or €10 per day.

These cheap city bikes are available from stands scattered around town. They keep moving the locations, but by 2015 here's where they seem to have settled:

  • Parking lot at Santa Maria Novella rail station: Mon-Sat 8am–7pm (Nov-Apr 10am–5pm)
  • Parking lot at Piazza Lorenzo Ghiberti (north of Santa Croce; near Piazza Beccaria parking lot): Mon-Sat 9am–6pm (Nov-Apr 10am–5pm)
  • [Santa Croce location currently not operating, but check]

Private bike rentals in Florence

If no cheap city bikes are left, you'll have to pay a bit more for them at a noleggio bici shop like:

  • Alinari, Via San Zanobi 38r (tel. +39-055-280-500; - €2.50 per hour, €7 for 5 hours, €12 per day (mountain bikes cost a bit more).
  • Florence by Bike, Via San Zanobi, 120–122R (tel. +39-055-488-992; - €3 per hour, €9 for 5 hours, €10 all day (mountain bikes cost a bit more)

Florence bike tours

Bicycle tours in Florence

Tips & links

Bike rentals & tours links
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Florence tours

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Bikes in Florence
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Via Cavour 1R
tel. +39-055-290-832

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