Stromboli hotels

Where to stay on the Aeolian Island of Stromboli, Sicily

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Kindly Giuseppe Guadagna runs Pensione La Nassa, a very clean, laughably cheap little hotel 65 feet from the beach off the main seaside road leading from the port. Cool sea breezes sweep the tile floors of the relatively spacious, ground-floor accommodations, whose private little patios have sea views. The baths are brand new, furnishings in good shape, and beds firmer than my own back home. Book early before the backpackers get all the rooms. They also rent small apartments by the week.
Loc. Ficogrande, Stromboli, Isole Eolie. tel. +39-090-986-033 or +39-339-239-9585 (in winter call tel. +39-090-928-1271). No credit cards. Closed Oct-Easter. €–€€

La Nassa is a great budget gem, but to splash out, head to La Sirenetta Park Hotel, near the end of the road along Ficogrande beach, with a couple of good restaurants, a terraced pool with sea view, diving school and sailing lessons, it's own Greek-style theater, and terrific sea views from the modestly comfy Mediterranean rooms. It's closed Nov to May.
Via Marina 33, Stromboli, Isole Eolie. tel. +39-090-986-025. €€ » book

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