Brindisi trip planner

Planning a trip to Brindisi, Italy

Brindisi is, and always has been, a ferry port, from the days when the Romans built the Via Appia here from Rome, to medieval knights leaving for the Crusades, to modern sun-seekers on their way to the Greek Isles. It is the only Italian town where more road signs point to "Greece" than to any nearby city.

The evening passeggiata here is more of a backpacker parade of ferry-bound tourists restlessly marching up and down the main drag, waiting for their 10pm departure. There are a few sights to pass the time while you await the slow boat to Greece, and plenty of overpriced joints selling the worst pizza-by-the-slice in Italy.

Tips & links

Useful links & resources

Brindisi tourist office
Via C. Colombo 88
(tel. +39-0831-562-126)

Brindisi tours & guides:

How to get to Brindisi
Brindisi is 116km (72 miles) southeast of Bari on the SS16/SS379. Brindisi is 70km (43 miles) east of Taranto on the SS7. Brindisi is 43km (27 miles) north of Lecce on the SS613. Brindisi is 35km (22 miles) southeast of Ostuni on the SP1bis. Brindisi is 49km (30 miles) west of Grottaglie on the SS7.

By Train: There are 11 daily runs from Taranto (65–80 min.); twice hourly runs from Bari (80–90 min.); and twice hourly runs from Lecce (25–45 min.). There are also 6 daily trains from Rome (6 hr.). Brindisi's train station (tel. 0831-521-975) is at the western edge of town on Piazza F. Crispi.

By Bus: FSE (tel. 080-542-6552 in Bari) runs 3 daily buses from Bari (105 min.).



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Brindisi tourist office
Via C. Colombo 88
(tel. +39-0831-562-126)

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